Wednesday, 26 February 2014

the importance of Value

Value is fundamental in the world of art. Everything that we see in the world has value whether it be light or dark. We use value to see the textures of objects without actually touching them. Value is what shows us whether an object has a smooth reflective surface or a matte surface. When the shade of an object curves gradually or changes completely it shows you that the form is a curved surface or straight-edged. In addition you're face also has value. Since there are no true lines on your face the only way that you can see flesh protruding from your face (ex. noses) is based off of the different shades that help shape your facial features.

Friday, 21 February 2014

Creative representation of Organic and Geometric line

The harsh jagged lines on the geometric side of this image really help to show the differences between organic and geometric line. They help to display the characteristics of organic line and show that unlike the straight unwavering man-made lines on he geometric side, the organic lines cascade down smoothly mimicking the flow of a river.

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Line Questions..

Art textbook line questions: 
1. The author defines a line as "an element of art that is the path of a moving point through space."

2. A line is required to have a certain thickness, direction and dimension.

3. Dimension is the amount of space an object takes up such as, length, or height.

4. Artist can create lines in the paintings and drawings that they make by adding hash shading. They can create line in the buildings they paint or the flowers that they draw. They can also create implied lines with objects in their art for example, footprints.  There are many different ways that artists create line because it is one of the essential elements of art. 

5. An outline is the outer line that we may see around an object which creates an edge even if it is not drawn there. An implied line is a line that is not actually there but instead suggested. Implied lines are created when our minds connect certain objects to form a line.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Define a line...

A line is an essential element of art. Line can be used to convey different emotions through the creativity of the artist who creates it and through how harsh and jagged or how smoothly it flows.